Lake Park Friends
Draft minutes of the 20th Annual Meeting
Lake Park Pavilion – Marcia Coles Community Room
May 10, 2016
1. Welcome and Introductions – Alice Wilson
Alice Wilson welcomed all attending the Lake Park Friends Annual Meeting and recognized that 2016 is the 20th
Anniversary of Lake Park Friends organization. LPF is the longest existing Friends group in the park
2. President’s Report -Alice Wilson
Alice reviewed the accomplishments of the year including the successful Cirque, Musical Monday’s and
Wonderful Wednesday’s, the new LPF website and the successful youth tennis programs.
3. Minutes from 2015 Annual Meeting -Jennifer Grasse
Jennifer Grasses called the business portion of the meeting to order. Jennifer asked for approval of the minutes of
2015 meeting. Steve Duback moved and Mary Kelly seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
4. Election of Board of Directors and Officers – Jennifer Grasse
Jennifer read the slates and bios of the new nominees for the board of directors Jason Jentzsch, Melissa Mooney
and Jock Mutschler.
Election of Directors
Directors accepting nomination for a first two year term:
Jason Jentzsch
Melissa Mooney
Jock Muscheln
Directors accepting nomination for second two year term:
Eileen Force Cahill
Gillian Gosman
Directors continuing:
Rachel Block
Buffy Duback
Shirley Conlon
Bill Haury
Barbara Johnson
Jeanne Prochnow
Jack Price
Colleen Reilly
Sue Bolly Schlenker
Alice Wilson
Judy Van Till
Alderman Nik Kovac (ex officio )
Parks Director John Dargle (ex officio)
Director terming off the board:
Jennifer Grasse
Election of Officers
President Alice Wilson
Secretary Jeanne Prochnow
Treasurer Judy Van Till
Jennifer asked for a motion to nominate the slate. Tracy Luber moved and Eileen Cahill seconded the motion.
The motion passed unopposed.
5. Comments on Ravine Drive Bridge Project – Steve Duback
Steve discussed the ongoing process established to identify the next steps for the repair/replacement of the Ravine
Drive Bridge. Graef Engineering has been awarded a contract to address the repair or replacement of the bridge.
A bridge work group has begun meeting to review the bridge options. Members of the work group in addition to
Graef Engineering include representatives from Milwaukee County Parks, District 3 Milwaukee County
Supervisor, City of Milwaukee historic preservation, Milwaukee County Historical Society, Lake Park Friends,
Preserve our Parks, Historic Water Tower Neighborhood, North Point Lighthouse Friends, WI Historical Society
and UWM School of Architecture. The recommendations of the project are due by June 30th. Funding for repair
or replacement of the bridge beyond this planning grant has not been established.
6. Presentation of Conservator Award to Shirley Conlon – Bill Haury
Shirley Conlon was awarded the Conservator of the Year award. Shirley, a member of the board since 2013. has
led the Weed Out Program for the past four years and contributed countless hours of invasive plant removal
yielding visible results in the north portion of the park. She recruited volunteers but also worked almost daily
during the2-3 months of the garlic mustard removal season which has made a significant impact on the invasive
plant community in Lake Park.
7. Recognition of retiring LPYA Coordinator, Leah Penn – Alice Wilson
Alice recognized Lean Penn and Alden Grasse for their initial development of the Lake Park Friends Youth
Auxiliary and following Alden’s departure for college, Leah’s coordination the Youth Auxiliary in the subsequent
years, Leah communicated and organized high school students in providing hundreds of hours volunteer services
in land stewardship and assistance with events such as the Cirque, Ice Skating party etc. The Youth Auxiliary
provides an additional pool of volunteers to assist in the support of Lake Park.
8. Recognition of retiring board member – Alice Wilson
Alice recognized retiring board member Jennifer Grasse, Secretary and VP of Administration who has performed
her roles in an outstanding manner for the past 6 years. Jennifer has been nimble and responsive in her defined
roles and has also extended her assistance to other areas as needed. Jennifer was given a framed photo of Lake
Park to commemorate her service to Lake Park Friends.
9. Adjournment – Alice Wilson Please join us for wine, cheese and conversation after the meeting
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.