We have the good fortune of having a fabulous Frederick Law Olmsted historic landmark park in our back yard. Preserving it and enhancing its beauty and usefulness for all our enjoyment requires the work of many people, but most importantly it requires financial support from our community members.
For several years, we have been able to plant many new trees (almost one-third of the park’s trees will be removed to prevent the spread of the emerald ash borer). Recently, we’ve done restoration work in the North and South Lighthouse Ravines. A few years back, we installed a pet friendly water fountain and each summer since 2014 we’ve offered youth tennis lessons.
Our current priorities that require funding:

Tree Planting
Help us in our continuing efforts to enhance the beauty of Lake Park and to replace existing trees that reach maturity and die.

Creating new Lake Michigan vistas
Similar to the Wahl Avenue vista, this will help eliminate invasive species from the precious bluffs and better connect the park to the lake.

Restoring the cinder running track
The 100+ year old track needs grading, drainage, resurfacing and landscaping.

Ice Rink Maintenance
Ensure the ice rink continues for another winter season.

Replacing the Locust Street Ravine Wooden Bridge
The 1970’s bridge that crosses the Locust Street Ravine needs replacing.

Ravine Road Concrete Bridge
This footbridge is a major connector between the north and south areas of the park.